
For Your Information

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Struggling to get a restful night's sleep due to sleep apnea can be challenging. At The Sleep Center of Littleton in Littleton, CO, we understand the impact of sleep disorders on your well-being. We are thrilled to announce that we accept Medicare, easing access to effective sleep apnea treatment. Discover how our expertise and Medicare acceptance...


Tossing and turning through the night? If you're grappling with sleepless nights, you're in good company. Millions of Americans wrestle with sleep disturbances, including the challenges of sleep apnea. Chronic snoring, interruptions in sleep, and daytime exhaustion are not just minor inconveniences. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to serious health risks, making it essential to seek effective treatment options. At The Sleep Center of Littleton in Littleton, Colorado, we're...

dentist talking to patient

Finding the right help for sleep apnea can transform your nights from restless to restorative. However, not all dental professionals offer the same level of care for sleep-related breathing disorders. This is where the expertise of a Diplomate and Qualified Sleep Dentist like our team at the Sleep Center Of Littleton becomes indispensable, especially for those seeking CPAP Alternatives. Let's explore why choosing a diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine (ABDSM) is crucial for your health and well-being.


snoring husband and annoyed wife

If the idea of a "sleep divorce" has crossed your mind, you're not alone. With an influx of couples opting for separate beds to catch some much-needed Zs, it's clear that sleep disturbances like sleep apnea can be relationship disrupters.

But before you move to the guest room, our team at the Sleep Center Of Littleton is here to offer a solution that could help your sleep and potentially your marriage as well. Contact us today to get started with a...

2 beds in a hotel room

Traveling with a CPAP machine can be a hassle, adding stress and inconvenience to your journey. From the added weight of the machine to the challenges of finding the right power source and adapters, it's no wonder frequent travelers find themselves seeking a more practical solution. At Sleep Center of Littleton in Littleton, Colorado, can we make reference to Denver metro area to reach beyond littleton)we provide custom oral appliances as the ideal travel-friendly sleep...

sleep science

Are you tired of struggling with the discomfort of a CPAP mask? Does the thought of a bulky machine disrupt your sleep even more than your sleep apnea symptoms? If so, it's time to explore the science behind oral appliances and how they can improve sleep quality. At Sleep Center of Littleton in Littleton, Colorado, we specialize in providing oral appliance therapy as an effective alternative to CPAP masks...

cpap on the side table

Are you tired of struggling with the discomfort of a CPAP mask? Do you find it difficult to sleep with the constant noise and restrictions? If so, it's time to consider the alternative — oral appliances. Here at Sleep Center of Littleton in Littleton, Colorado, we specialize in providing CPAP alternatives through oral appliance therapy. Below, we will explore the benefits of oral appliances over CPAP, offering a more comfortable and convenient solution for...

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Living in Denver comes with many perks, from breathtaking mountain views to an active outdoor lifestyle. However, the high altitude can pose challenges, especially for individuals with sleep apnea. At Sleep Center of Littleton, we understand the impact that sleep apnea can have on your daily life. That's why we offer oral appliance therapy, a highly effective alternative to traditional sleep apnea...

man sleeping

Have you been struggling to get a good night's sleep in the mile-high city? Sleep apnea can be especially challenging in Denver's unique environment. At Sleep Center of Littleton, we understand the impact that sleep apnea can have on your overall well-being. That's why we offer effective sleep apnea treatment options, including oral appliance therapy, to help you experience the Denver difference in sleep quality.



For individuals with sleep apnea who find Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy uncomfortable or cumbersome, exploring alternative options is crucial. At Sleep Center of Littleton, we specialize exclusively in providing sleep apnea treatment without CPAP, which is why we provide CPAP alternatives.

Explore the most common forms of CPAP alternatives that can help individuals with sleep apnea achieve improved sleep health and overall well-being, and then...


As the prevalence of sleep apnea continues to rise, the demand for effective treatments has never been higher. Among the most popular treatments for sleep apnea is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy. However, a shortage of CPAP devices across the United States has left many without access to this crucial treatment.

Fortunately, there are alternative treatments available at the Sleep Center of Littleton, a leading snoring and sleep apnea center in Colorado. Learn what’s causing the CPAP shortage and the effective alternatives to CPAP that you can turn to, and then...


Ready to get started? Schedule your complimentary Screening today.